Other Helpful Information Sources

The digital identity ecosystem is composed of many communities and active collaborators. They contribute to its foundation. Consensus on common definitions, trusted sources and open frameworks are important building blocks.

Below is an alphabetized list of other organizations and references related to digital identity.

CIO Strategy Council (CIOSC)

The CIO Strategy Council is Canada’s primary national forum bringing together the country’s most forward-thinking chief information officers and executive technology leaders to collectively mobilize on common digital priorities.

Decentralized Identity Foundation

DIF is an engineering-driven organization focused on developing the foundational elements necessary to establish an open ecosystem for decentralized identity and ensure interop between all participants.

Digital Identification and Authentication Council of Canada (DIACC)

The Digital Identification and Authentication Council of Canada, known as the DIACC, is a non-profit coalition of public and private sector leaders committed to developing a Canadian framework for digital identification and authentication.

European Blockchain Services Infrastructure (EBSI)

EBSI is a joint initiative from the European Commission and the European Blockchain Partnership (EBP). EBSI’s vision is to leverage blockchain to accelerate the creation of cross-border services for public administrations and their ecosystems.

European Commission

Government of Canada

Privacy Act

The Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA)

Digital Charter Implementation Act

Public Sector Profile of the Pan-Canadian Trust Framework

Hyperledger Foundation

Hyperledger Foundation is a non profit organization that brings together all the necessary resources and infrastructure to ensure thriving and stable ecosystems around open source software blockchain projects.

Institute for Citizen Centered Service

The Institute for Citizen-Centred Service proudly works with all levels of government in Canada with a goal to solving and improving public sector service delivery. Serving as a neutral platform for all levels of government to collaborate and share best practices.

International Organization for Standardization (ISO)

The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) develops and publishes International Standards. ISO is an independent, non-governmental international organization with a membership of 167 national standards bodies. Through its members, it brings together experts to share knowledge and develop voluntary, consensus-based, market relevant International Standards that support innovation and provide solutions to global challenges.

Kantara Initiative

Kantara is a global community focused on improving the trustworthy use of identity and personal data. Working groups explore innovation, standardization and develop good practice around the collection, storage and use of personal information and identity.

Linux Foundation

The Linux Foundation provides a neutral, trusted hub for developers and organizations to code, manage, and scale open technology projects and ecosystems.

National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)

The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) was founded in 1901 and is now part of the U.S. Department of Commerce. Its mission is to promote U.S. innovation and industrial competitiveness by advancing measurement science, standards, and technology in ways that enhance economic security and improve our quality of life.

Open ID Foundation

The OpenID Foundation is a non-profit international standardization organization of individuals and companies committed to enabling, promoting and protecting OpenID technologies.

Relevant Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) standards

The IETF is the premier Internet standards organization. It follows open and well-documented processes for setting these standards. Once published, those standards are made freely available.

Standards Council of Canada (SCC)

Since 1970, the Standards Council of Canada (SCC) has been a leader and Canada’s voice on standards and accreditation on the national and international stage. The SCC drives collaboration and builds relationships, promotes Canadian priorities, and connects stakeholders to global networks and resources.

World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)

The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) is an international community where Member organizations, a full-time staff, and the public work together to develop Web standards. Led by Web inventor and Director Tim Berners-Lee and CEO Jeffrey Jaffe, W3C’s mission is to lead the Web to its full potential.